Dump & Run Work List
Last launch jobs by area of boat bow to stern (front to back)
Anchor Room
Wire in sump pump
Fit pump
Fuel Tanks and Stabiliser Wings
Air pressure test both stabiliser wings, weld any issues
Sort Portside back tank bung leak (move 2000 litres of diesel into starboard side tank first)
Editing studio
Bolt computers and IT gear down
Nav gear install finished
Fasten down all IT gear
Replace steering wheel...oh yeah!
Grip stuff on steps
2nd hand rail attached on stairs
Youtube box bolted down - brackets if needed Clean up-things into cardboard
Make fiddles and attach
Stow appliances
Stow everything Glass into storage
Etch areas burnt by engine room welding
Tie coat etched areas
Weld week jobs
Portside round plates tigged welded
Cut out louvers in engine vents and weld in panels
Below decks cabins and storage area
Tidy up and stow boxes
Engine Room
Align engine and gearbox
Chockfast mounts
Build coolant system
Build Throttle Brackets
Fit Fuel Pipes
Fit electronic sensors back into the engine
Fire extinguisher brackets bolted in
Stainless steel shelf fiddle made and bolted
Fuel transfer pump and pipes fitted, (transfer bull value needed) Accelerator bracket modified to suit new engine
Weld water drain on S bend on exhaust (bung)
Muffler made and installed
Generator working and exhaust done
Prop / Rudder
Seizing wire in prop
Collar bolted and rudder bolts replaced (Buy bolts)
Fit anodes on rudder
Replace grease after anti-fouling
Locks on gates
Bench table on back deck ?
Lifejacket netting up
Fasten exhaust shroud
Insurance sorted
Registration done