Operation Hide & Seek is a mission Brupeg will be taking on in the Pacific Ocean. During World War 2 more than 3,000 ships were sunk and many of these ships came to rest close to Pacific Island nations. These ships are becoming structurally weak now through steel corrosion and frequent storm damage and are at very high risk of breaking apart and releasing millions of tonnes of fuel and oil into this critical marine environment.
The goal of Op. Hide & Seek is to hunt for these ships, map out the wreck using GPS, Multibeam & Side Scan Sonar. We will be looking for the wrecks exact location as well any unexploded ordinance (bombs etc) around each ship. With this data, our partner Major Projects Foundation can send a dive team down to each wreck and 3D model the ship and categorise the level of corrosion & damage as well as assess the level of fuel/oil still left in each tank, this allows us to know which wreck is most likely to break open, and direct oil removal efforts to the most perilous hulls first.